Terms And Conditions
These are our TERMS OF USE
Payments for every term must be settled in full upon registration depending on the start date. Evolve Sports Solutions/Budo Juku Sports Consultancy has a no-refund policy. Should a student miss a session, credit or make-up classes are available within the same term and if class space is available and approved by management. NO payments or classes can be transferred to another term. By registering on the website you accept all the terms and conditions.
Terms and Condition
- Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE.
- United Arab of Emirates is our country of domicile.
- Minors under the age of 18 shall are prohibited to register as a User of this website and are not allowed to transact or use the website.
- If you make a payment for our products or services on our website, the details you are asked to submit will be provided directly to our payment provider via a secured connection.
- The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.
- We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in AED (or any other agreed currencies).
- You will not hold Budo Juku / Evolve Sports responsible for any item lost damage or injury or impairment.
- Budo Juku / Evolve has the right to make any changes necessary to the schedule at any time.
Term Fees do not include any gradings/workshops/ seminars/championships/Shows or any other special events or competitions with the academy.
Students are responsible for bringing allergy medication such as Epi-pens or inhalers and any other prescribed medication required on all field trips. We recommend that students also bring sunscreen and hats.
Evolve Sports Solutions/Budo Juku Sports Consultancy strives to ensure the safety of its students while participating in student activities. However, despite taking all reasonable precautions to minimize the risk involved, there remain inherent risks of injury. The injuries suffered may be minor, such as sprains, or may in rare cases be more serious.
Parents or guardians who consent to a student participating in activities should understand that such various injuries can occur during sports activities because of the inherent nature of the activity and without neglect on either the part of the student or Evolve Sports Solutions/Budo Juku Sports Consultancy.
While Evolve Sports Solutions/Budo Juku Sports Consultancy does provide student accident insurance while the students are involved in activities, the undersigned agrees to maintain appropriate medical insurance. Should the student suffer injury or illness while participating in this event, the undersigned agrees to bear the medical and dental costs required.
Should the student suffer injury or illness participating in this event, the undersigned hereby authorizes the instructor to accompany the student to authorized medical attention as may be deemed appropriate in the circumstances. The undersigned authorizes medical personnel to administer basic medical services.
The chances of an injury occurring during sessions will be reduced when the student carefully always follows instructions and wears appropriate clothing and equipment.
Should the student fail to obey the rules and regulations prescribed by the Instructor while participating in the activity, the Instructor may, at its sole and absolute discretion, terminate the student’s participation and the course refund will be prorated.
The undersigned understands the risks inherent in the activity and gives permission for the student to participate in the described activity. The undersigned assumes responsibility for medical, dental and accident insurance for the student during the described activity.
The undersigned hereby releases Evolve Sports Solutions/Budo Juku Sports Consultancy, its directors, officers and employees from any and all liability relating to bodily injury, loss or damage to personal property suffered by a student resulting from participation in the described activity.
All classes are delivered by professional and highly qualified coaches. Budo Juku / Evolve has the right to change any class or coach at any given time without notice.
re the term.
By making a termly payment to Evolve Sports Consultancy you hereby agree to photographs being taken during classes, that are used from time to time for advertisements on social media and the group wattsapps that you are part of. Should you wish for photographs not to be taken of your child or athlete please email Evolve here: hq_dxb@evolveuae.org
Team Evolve